Saturday, October 7, 2006

GCC on Damn Small Linux with my old laptop ( Linux )

Damn Small Linux

I am using a pcmcia called "IO DATA ETXPCM", but my DSL does't configure this devise.

1. Check the property of this devise by using cardctl command.

%cardctl ident

Socket 0:
product info: "IO DATA", "ETXPCM", "3.0", "AX88190"
manfid: 0x0149, 0xc1ab
function: 6 (network)

2. Add below in /etc/pcmcia/config

version "IO DATA", "ETXPCM", "*", "AX88190"
#manfid 0x0149, 0xc1ab
bind "axnet_cs"

3. Commnet out all "manfid 0x0149, 0xc1ab" in /etc/pcmcia/config
4. Reboot.

5. Install GCC

5.1. right click-Apps-Tools-MyDSL Extension Browser
5.2. click System button
5.3. choose and click download
5.4. gcc is downloaded and installed automatically


Anonymous said...

Thanks.. It helped a lot!!!

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine mentioned 2012 last night to me and it's the first I heard about it so I jumped on here out of curiosity. I think it's kind of sick and sounds like a bunch of skeptical jargon.
I choose to live every day like it is the last because let's be real, WHO THE HELL KNOWS what is going to happen or when it's your time to go on. The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift, thats why it's called the present. It's not healthy to sit around and trip out about when you will die. Stop wasting your time you have now.
]mayan predicted
[/url] - some truth about 2012

Anonymous said...


Do you guys watch movies in theater or on internet? I use to rent DVD movies from [b][/b]. Recently I discovered that we can watch all new movies on internet on day, they are released. So why should I spend money on renting movies??? So, can you guys please tell me where I can [url=]watch latest movie The Oranges 2010[/url] for free?? I have searched [url=][/url], [url=][/url], [url=][/url] but, Could not find a good working link. If you know any working link please share it with me.
