Saturday, November 29, 2008


ちょっと先になりそうです。ニュージーランドといえばOnce were warriors.

Saturday, November 22, 2008



The rule of 7 ± 2 ( also known as Miller's Number ) derives from psychology research, which shows that the number of information "chunks" that a person can remember and manipulate at one time varies between five and nine. A larger number of chunks causes information overload. Information chunks can be many things, including names, words in a list, digits, or components of a picture.
Some applications of the rule of 7 ± 2 to DFDs (data flow diagrams) include the following.

  • A single DFD should have no more than 7 ± 2 processes.
  • No more than 7 ± 2 data flows should enter or leave a process, data store, or data element on a single DFD.

    These rules are general guideline, not unbreakable laws. DFDs that violate these rules may still be readable, but violations should be considered a warning of potential problems.
    Minimization of interfaces is directly related to the rule of 7 ± 2. An interface is a connection to some other part of a problem or description. As with information chunks, the number of connections that a person can remember and manipulate is limited, so the number of connections should be kept to a minimum. Processes on a DFD represent chunks of business or processing logic. They are related to other processes, entities, and data stores by data flows. A single process with a large number of interfaces ( data flows ) may be too complex to understand. This complexity may show up directly on a process decomposition as a violation of the rule of 7 ± 2. An analyst can usually correct the problem by dividing the process into two or more subprocesses, each of which should have fewer interfaces.

    p215. Satzinger, Jackson, Burd. Systems Analysis & Design in a changing world. Thomson
  • Friday, November 21, 2008

    写真がなんとなくabout a boy の文章を思い出させる件

    Christine came in holding the new baby while John was in the kitchen making him a cup of tea. 'This is Imogen,' she said.
    'Oh,' said Will. 'Right.' What was he supposed to say next? He knew there was something, but he couldn't for the life of him remember what it was. 'She's ...' No. It had gone. He concentrated his conversational his efforts on Christine. 'How are you, anyway, Chris?'

    about a boy / nick hornby

    Monday, November 17, 2008

    WPA Cracked

    Schneier on Security



    とあるけど、なんだか普通にBack Track 2でやられてるみたいです





    Sunday, November 16, 2008

    黑屏 - Windows海賊版対策@チャイナ



    10月20日から中国ではWindows XP海賊版を使用している場合、毎60分ごとに”黑屏”(デスクトップが真っ黒になる)し、またOfficeの場合はメニューに”不是正版”の表記を表示する。

    Saturday, November 15, 2008




    Cocco - 強く儚い者たち


    Cocco (born January 19, 1977 in Naha, Okinawa as Satoko Makishi) is a female Ryukyuan J-Pop singer who debuted in 1996 with a self-titled EP titled Cocko.

    Cocco(こっこ、1977年1月19日 - )は、日本の女性シンガーソングライター、絵本作家。沖縄県立開邦高等学校芸術科美術コース卒業。沖縄県那覇市出身。スピードスターレコード所属。血液型はO型。

    Saturday, November 8, 2008

    Dijkstra, Knuth


    Dijkstra's algorithm is used in SPF, Shortest Path First, which is used in the routing protocol OSPF, Open Shortest Path First.

    あとKnuthという人は著作物にミスを見つけた人に$2.56をチェックで払っていますが、2008年に振り込め詐欺防止のためにチェックを送れなくなってしまった代わりに、架空の銀行 Bank of San Serriffe の口座を使って払ってるそうです(微妙にニュアンス違いますけど)。

    Knuth had to stop sending such checks in 2008 due to bank fraud, and instead now gives each error finder a publicly listed balance in his fictitious "Bank of San Serriffe".

    Donald Knuth

    なお Guardian によるとその幻の島 San Serriffe はニュージーランド南島あたりに今浮かんでるそうです。

    Che Stallman t-shirt